Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back to the glamour muscles!

I don't have much in the way of glamour muscles, with respect to arms -- or anything for that matter -- but I love doing those exercises.  Makes me feel strong after the hard workout.  Haven't been feeling well lately, caught a bug or something, so I've been taking it easy on the exercising.  I did run a 5k last Saturday, and placed 13th out of 80 something.  Was a decent run, but I know I could have done better.  I haven't really ran or trained for running in a long time, so I'm satisfied with the placing.  However, in the past couple weeks I have started running again, and I'm actually liking it!  It's not like how I used to run in the Army, but I'll get back there.  Without the P90X routine, I wouldn't have even attempted that 5k.  My body didn't hurt so much, but I was losing wind fast.  I gotta work on my cardio more.  I should correct that, my body didn't hurt while running, but shortly afterward, I felt the effects of not having run hard for a long time.  Couple days later I was feeling good again, with the exception of the bug I got.  And thank you to my wife for getting me to run on their team :)   It was a great time, and had fun over the weekend.  Thanks hotness, appreciate everything you do!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Things are looking up again :)

I went to see an orthopedic specialist concerning the problem with my toe/foot, and it turns out that I pulled tore part of the ligament along my toe, which in turn pulled away a piece of bone.  The good news is that it is healing well, and I can return to my normal routine.  I just have to take it easy for a while and listen to my body.  Really excited that I get to run again this coming Saturday.  I don't expect to win this race at all, but I think I just want to prove to myself that I can still run good.  It will be fun either way. 

Aside from that, taekwondo is going good.  I hadn't been attending classes too often, giving my foot a chance to heal better.  But now I'm back into it and learning some new things.  We have been focusing a lot on forms and kick techniques.  In addition to that I have taken a liking to weapons, especially nunchukus and bo staff.  I practice every now and then, but that takes a lot of patience and time.  Not too bad though, because even if my foot acts up, I can try working with nunchukus while standing or sitting.  Still no sparring for me for a while, at least six to eight weeks.