Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 11 complete

Today was a YogaX day.  I was able to keep up with more of the postures and exercises today, that makes me happy.  I still need to work on flexibility and balance, but I'm sure that will come over time.  I like doing the Yoga; its a calm, relaxing (yet strenuous), workout.  Yoga has also helped me to do better with martial arts.  My balance is better in class, and my kicks are becoming more controlled and higher.  Overall, I'm happy with the improvements thus far. 

Thursday, December 30, 2010


I missed yesterday's post, oops.  Yesterday was my cardio workout.  It went rather well actually, not too many problems keeping up.  Felt good after the workout too.  Today was day 10, shoulders, arms, and ab ripperX.  That is probably the workout that I have the most trouble with so far.  My shoulders burn, and my abs were super sore during the workout.  I feel ok now, about an hour later.  But there were times when I just wanted to stop during the ab portion of the workout.  Instead of stopping though, I slowed my reps down, and tried to do as many as I could.  It's silly to think I can keep with those guys after only a short period of time.  So I try not to get discouraged, but remember that it will take patience to get where they're at. 

I finally get to attend a taekwondo class tonight, after about a week off.  I practice at home of course, but I like to attend class to learn new things, and practice my skills on others, or even just on the bags.  Bob gets a little beat up session sometimes too. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Week 2, Day 8... with some bonus work!

So today was day 8, back to core synergistics.  I was able to keep up with some of the exercises more, and I tried to focus on technique, rather than keeping up with the pros on the dvd.  What's the point in doing it if I don't do it right?  Anyway, despite how much it hurt during the workout, I found it to be another fulfilling day.  I always feel better afterward, which helps with my motivation to get going in the first place.  Just have to think, 'its only an hour, its only an hour'...  Then I think of the results that I might see when I finish the next couple of weeks.  I'm tired of being plane ol' lanky Josh.  I want to be lean, muscular Josh. 

To top off the day the wife and I went outside tonight to shovel some snow... ok, it was a lot of snow!  It actually felt good to get out there and loosen up some muscles a little bit.  I was feeling a little constricted, but now I'm feeling better.  It was like having a second workout today.  Instead of taekwondo, I shoveled snow.  However, I remembered an exercise from the synergistics video, pick it - put it up (not sure of the actual name), that helped me shovel the snow more effectively; and with less stress on my back.  I tried to utilize my core muscles, rather than just my legs and back, and that worked out great. 

Hopefully me and Eli get to go to class tomorrow.  With belt testing less than a month away, we need to focus on week areas, and elaborate on strong ones.  I want to work more with Eli on his board breaking skills, that way he's more confident when it comes down to doing it in class.  Other than that, he's ready for testing.  He knows his form, his kicks are getting much better, and his fitness has drastically improved.  Super proud of him. 

Monday, December 27, 2010

Stretch and rest

Today was an easier day in the P90X program, consisting of Xstretch and rest.  Much needed rest at that.  My body was becoming a little sore from the intense workouts.  However, after today I feel like I'm ready to start week 2 tomorrow.  Week one came to a close today.  I learned a lot during the past week, and I want to take that knowledge and apply it with more intensity and effort.  This week I'm hoping to see some changes with my body, even if their real small ones.  I also need to increase the variety of weights in the household, that will help with later weeks' workouts.  Week 2, here I come!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Stick and move!

Today was KenpoX of the P90X workout program.  It was an excellent workout, targeting a lot of different areas of the body that I need to focus on.  The moves were pretty easy, because most of them are done in my martial arts classes.  The difference was repetition here.  In class we generally don't do so many kicks or blocks or punches.  With this workout I get to practice what I know, in a much more intense manner.  I sweat a lot today!  Like a lot!  Which is good, because I got to burn off some of those holiday calories that were creeping up on me.  I felt really good after the workout too.  It wasn't too difficult to keep up, but there was a few times when I needed to slow down a little; but I never stopped.  I think its harder to stop and start again, then to just keep on going at a slower pace.  Another successful day in the program, and almost done with the first week.  The next two weeks will be similar, but my progress and results should be different.  I'm looking forward to every grueling second of exercise.  Bring it!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Feel the burn :)

Today was day 5, legs and back, and ab ripperX.  I'm not sure I've ever felt that kind of burning sensation in my leg muscles before.  I tried to hang on as long as I could with each exercise, but sometimes I just felt like I was going to fall over; so I came back up for a quick break.  I just try to tell myself again that it only hurts when you're in the moment.  Once the workout is over, I generally feel pretty good.  I drink my recovery mix and get on with my day.  I'm fortunate that I have the opportunity to work out during the day.  I try to fit this in during the boys' nap time, and a little while after lunch.  Wifey goes back to work; boys go up for nap; I start the workout; boys wake up from nap; I finish the workout; playtime begins again :)  Playtime can be like another workout sometimes, but it's too fun to pass up. 

On another note, I had an excellent Christmas morning with family.  Started the morning watching the boys open presents and play with new things.  Then we went to Mel's grandma's house for a delicious brunch.  I think the scones were the best thing on the table.  Oh, and that ham was just awesome.  Then more presents were opened and playtime at grandma's began.  Now we're back home enjoying the rest of the afternoon and evening.  Chipotle chicken rolls for dinner tonight!  Nice way to finish off the Christmas day. 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Days 3 and 4...oops

Ok ok, so I missed a day already!  I don't ever blog about anything, so I need to remind myself somehow.  Or maybe just write the post right after working out.  We'll see what happens.

So anyway, I finished day four today with YogaX, a pretty challenging part of the workout for me.  My legs were burning, and sad to say, more than one time I wanted to stop and take the dvd out.  But I keep telling myself that if I don't do it, don't commit to it, then I'll just be plain ol' me.  And that's not what I want.  I want a new, transformed me, and I won't get there with no pain or struggle.  As the saying goes, if it were that easy, everyone would do it

Yesterday was shoulders, arms, and ab ripperX.  The ab ripper is just friggin insane.  Never before have my abs and core hurt so much during a workout.  But afterwards I felt a small sense of accomplishment.  Like, WOW, did I really just do that... well, most of it anyway.  I can't keep up with Tony yet.  After the shoulders and arms workout, my shoulders burned when I lifted my water bottle to drink.  Today I feel ok though, not so much burn.  My body feels like its been working hard, but I'm not too sore.  I am more tired lately, something I'll have to adjust to over time. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 2 completed

Today was cardioX of the P90X program.  This is probably the workout that I need the most; and for good reason, my cardio is way down :(  After today I am hopeful.  It was a challenging, fulfilling, but not an overwhelming, workout.  It hurts like hell, burns in lots of areas, but afterward I feel good about doing it.  I think getting through this first week or two will show my dedication to the program, and to my own fitness.  Now all I have to do is go to taekwondo tonight...  that's gonna hurt lol. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

P90X, day 1...Done!

I want to be in better shape.  That about sums it up.  I thought that the best way for me to accomplish such a task would be to use instructional dvds or video.  Thanks to my wife, Melissa, I am now trying.. no, WILL do, the P90X program.  I want to document my progress throughout this endeavor, and would like to share my progress with others.  Today was day 1 of the program... I'm tired, that's all I gotta say.  Core Synergistics really kicked my butt today.    Definitely going to be worth it though. 

I also do martial arts, mainly Olympic Style Taekwondo.  Its amazing, never thought I would be able to do it.  I started this past summer, and have loved everything about it -- from simple flexibility exercises, to competitive sparring.  This, in addition to the P90X program, should put me where I want to be physically.  Right now I am a Yellow Instructor; which may not mean a whole lot to people, but I'm still a very young martial artist.  Well, as far as time in rank is concerned lol.  Next month I plan on testing for the next belt level, green.  My oldest son, Eli, also takes taekwondo in a Little Dragons program.  He's made huge strides since first starting, and we're very proud of him.  He should also be testing next month. 

That's it for today.  I am really, really going to try posting at least once a day to track my progress throughout the fitness program.