Saturday, December 25, 2010

Feel the burn :)

Today was day 5, legs and back, and ab ripperX.  I'm not sure I've ever felt that kind of burning sensation in my leg muscles before.  I tried to hang on as long as I could with each exercise, but sometimes I just felt like I was going to fall over; so I came back up for a quick break.  I just try to tell myself again that it only hurts when you're in the moment.  Once the workout is over, I generally feel pretty good.  I drink my recovery mix and get on with my day.  I'm fortunate that I have the opportunity to work out during the day.  I try to fit this in during the boys' nap time, and a little while after lunch.  Wifey goes back to work; boys go up for nap; I start the workout; boys wake up from nap; I finish the workout; playtime begins again :)  Playtime can be like another workout sometimes, but it's too fun to pass up. 

On another note, I had an excellent Christmas morning with family.  Started the morning watching the boys open presents and play with new things.  Then we went to Mel's grandma's house for a delicious brunch.  I think the scones were the best thing on the table.  Oh, and that ham was just awesome.  Then more presents were opened and playtime at grandma's began.  Now we're back home enjoying the rest of the afternoon and evening.  Chipotle chicken rolls for dinner tonight!  Nice way to finish off the Christmas day. 

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