Today I started back on the P90X wagon, and my foot felt pretty good for almost the entire workout. Now I'm confident it's time to really hit the workouts hard. I've taken too much time off for injury already, and I don't want any of the work I've already put in to be for nothing. There is still a long way to go as far as my physical fitness is concerned. Today I jumped back into the routine with some Kenpo X. Burned a bunch of calories, sweat like crazy, and still felt good after! Its pretty crazy, I really did miss working out, and sometimes I felt bad for missing so many days. Tomorrow I'm gonna give the legs and back routine a go, and really see if my foot can handle that.
Belt testing is next weekend, really psyched about that. My son and I are going to test together, it should be fun. He does really well so far, and I hope he sticks with it. Super proud of how far he's come. There is also no tournament this month, it was pushed back to July/August time frame. It was a local tournament though and there are still plenty of others going on in the northwest. I talked it over with my instructor and sparring is on hold for me for a while, to give my foot a chance to heal better, and get some testing done for it. Oh, and I have also taken a liking to weapons and forms. I have been studying the bo staff and nunchukus, and began working on simple techniques. I found an amazing set of nunchukus online, but I'll need to fit that into a budget before purchasing. They are light, have the perfect size chain, and are a little flashy -- perfect for forms demos. Looking forward to trying weapons forms in the future.
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