Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I like the word synergistics and I have no idea why.  Just an interesting word, with a whole lot of meaning.  And the core synergistics workout provides a whole lot of exercise.  Today was a core workout day, another one of my favorites.  Did the bonus exercises again too, that makes me feel good.  I took another glance in the mirror today, and I'm satisfied with how things are coming along.  I still have this band of fat around my lower stomach, but hopefully that will disappear in the next couple of months.  My legs are starting to show a little more muscle definition.  Which is great, because I don't want to be fit in just one area of my  body, but ALL parts. 

In taekwondo we have been focusing on forms and self defense techniques.  I guess I'm a little rusty on the forms, because I keep making mistakes on simple movements.  Same thing with some of the self defense techniques.  We have also learned a few new ones.  I am pleased with the classes, and it is neat to watch everyone progress as they move up in belt level or experience.  Its nice to be a part of a martial arts community. 

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