Saturday, March 5, 2011

Core city again

Yes!  Another wonderful core workout done today, and another day closer to the end of the program.  Well, the initial 90 or so days anyway.  I'm not quite sure how I come up with things to write everyday either.  Each day is a different workout, but they do repeat every week.  I guess its good to keep track of all this though, even if only a couple people read it.  I did a preemptive weigh-in today, because I was getting a little down about my tummy not trimming up so well.  The weight was 161, which is just below my average weight.  So this is good news.  I feel like I have hit a wall in the training though.  At first the weight and fat was peeling off like a banana, but now I'm kinda stuck.  My weight is the same, and certain parts of my body are looking better, but my abs are so hard to work on.  It might be because I have never had strong abdominal, or core, muscles before.  If I keep this up though, I'm sure I'll be seeing some good results in another few months.  I found some great yoga poses that work your core, and I am gonna try them out, maybe just one or two days a week on top of the P90X routine.  Plus I love doing yoga, it is such a nice change in pace from the normal routine. 

1 comment:

  1. Let me just say that your abs rock sweetheart! You are doing something right!! Sexy city here....
