Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nearing the finish...

I  can see it... the light at the end!  Its almost the end of my first 90 days of extreme workouts, and I can say I really enjoy working out now.  Some days are harder than others when searching for that extra bit of motivation, but when all is said and done I feel good about it.  I won't be trying to post every day now, but maybe every other day.  Doesn't seem necessary to post every day now, because I'm sure I'll still miss a day or two every once in a while. 
So today was the second day of week 13, and another great core workout.  Did all of the bonus segments, all of the required reps, and went for maximum reps on individuals exercises.  I sweat like crazy, burned a bunch of calories, and not really looking forward to taekwondo tonight.  On Monday night I pushed my hamstrings a little too far and I'm still feeling it.  My groin is also sore too, so that may pose a problem.  I think I may have to take it easy tonight, despite how much I don't like doing that.  I was hoping that yesterday's yoga routine would help my legs out, but that didn't happen.  So I'll do some extra stretching and lighter-than-normal warmups this evening.  Gotta get better before the tourney next month!

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