Just finished another crazy, yet wonderful, core workout. I was pretty satisfied with how much I could keep up with today, but still a tad frustrated when I can't finish an exercise. It's the first day of week 5! These next few weeks are going to be tough, and hopefully I can achieve greater success with each workout. After weeks 5-7 I'm hoping to see some good changes in my body and overall physical performance.
I've really been trying to gather some self-discipline and eat better foods. This is the hardest task for me, because up until about 2 years ago, I had always eaten boxed foods and lots of sweets. Our family has really cut back on a lot of those unhealthy snacks and goodies, and focused more on homemade, fresh foods. If only our garden would cooperate more and give us some good plants, we'd be all set! The soil isn't the greatest, but hopefully our compost project helps that out. Then we can have fresh veggies and do more canning. Thanks to my wife for those inspirations :)
What a sweety! This will be the year of the garden!