Friday, January 7, 2011

Stretchy and flexy

YogaX again.  Sometimes I think that workout is harder than most of the other ones.  I used to think yoga was just a bunch of silly stretches, and crazy twists and bends; not the case at all!  Well, there are some crazy twists and bends, but WOW, it takes some real physical strength to get it done.  Today I didn't feel very limber.  However, I found myself struggling a little while doing the normally easy routines.  I noticed that I was doing a lot better with some of the more advanced routines.  Almost a backwards workout as far as progress is concerned, but I was happy with what I had done after it was over.  It works muscles you don't ever think of using, or muscles you should probably use more often.  Got a long way to go before I can keep up with the gumby-people on the dvd!  Its only week 3 though, and I'm quite happy with the yoga progress so far.  It has done great things for my martial arts training too.  Belt testing in one week, wooohooo.

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