Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy new years!

I had a wonderful new year's eve with the wife and friends.  We went to a friends house, played games, stood by the fire, chit chat with people we didn't know, and had a little bit of apple pie; hot apple pie, very good :)  Anyway, I completed another day of P90X, bringing day 12 to a close.  I have a good routine going now, and things are working out great.  Today was back to Legs & Back, and my favorite, Ab RipperX.  Yea, really not my favorite!  But it's important if I want to get the chiseled abs that I see on people in magazines.  I don't care so much about their abs -- I want that for ME.  Nothing motivates me more than looking in the mirror and thinking 'its about time you made some changes'!  So here I am.  Tony is also a good motivator during the workouts.  He's not just serious about the exercises, he's entertaining to listen to and watch.  That makes my workout seem less dreary and stressful. 
I haven't put myself on the scale lately, but I'm guessing I've at least dropped another few pounds, despite the holiday munchies.  Which is tough, because my wife is an excellent baker!  It's hard to fight that temptation to indulge in candies and goodies because they are within reach.  I have had my share of treats this year, but not like in the past.  I think I'll put myself on the scale at the end of this workout week.  Actually that's a great idea... I'll weigh-in once a week, at the end of each week of the program.  I'll try to remember to post my weight here.  I also need to have a BMI done, or at least an estimate of fat percentage. 

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