Sunday, February 6, 2011

Add some intensity

Another Kenpo X workout is done, which also brings me to the close of week 7 tomorrow.  Can't wait for X stretch, really need it after these past few weeks.  So during the kenpo exercises the first half is at normal pace, minimal height or intensity, and the last 10 or so reps are higher with more intensity.  When I say higher I mean the height of the kicks.  That normally isn't a problem, but with my hamstrings still tight, it was difficult to reach the height that I usually do.  It was a little disappointing, but I still sweat like hell, and burned a bunch of calories.  If heart rate monitors weren't so dang pricey I'd get one.  That would help me determine if I am in my 'zone' -- how hard I'm pushing myself.  For now I just push it to the limit, almost to the point where I'm falling over when doing kicks.  At that point I back off a little to get the reps in.  In other workouts the tip is quality over quantity.  Well with this being a cardiovascular routine, I would rather do quantity over quality.  I think more is better in a cardio workout -- but what do I know lol.

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