Thursday, February 17, 2011

Glamorizing the arms

Today was week 9's shoulders and arms workout.  This is one of two exercise routines that I love/hate.  I discussed this in a recent post.  I know I get something out of the workout when I have trouble typing on the keyboard.  My shoulders are burning, and my biceps feel a little swollen.  I feel like I'm finally getting into shape here.  Last night during taekwondo I noticed that I don't have to try so hard to kick the bags hard, and my overall agility has improved.  My speed kicks were great last night, and just last week they were ok at best.  I even had a few of the other students say that I was getting much faster.  That makes me very happy.  I want to be great at martial arts, and hopefully compete professionally in the future.  I do a little competing here and there, but I would like to do it at a national level too. 

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