Friday, February 25, 2011

Yoga belly

It was another great yoga workout.  My body is feeling better because I was able to really twist and stretch today.  My hamstrings are a little tight, but other than that it was smooth sailing.  That right angle pose whooped on  me again, but I'll  get it down soon.  Usually I skip the yoga belly routine, but I decided to do it today.  Ouch!  Haha, it didn't really hurt that much, but my abs were burning up.  It was such a short session, yet it worked so many different muscles.  Although I was grunting and sweating like crazy, it felt good to get it done.  I'll be going to taekwondo tonight, first time in a week.  Looking forward to the class, and hopefully we get to work on forms tonight.  I'm pretty confident in the other belt level skills that I need to know, but I could always use work on the forms. 

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