Sunday, February 20, 2011

bleh :(

So I've been pretty sick the past couple of days and I missed my first workout.  Instead of skipping yesterday's routine, I decided to push everything back a day so I don't miss a workout day.  So today was yoga, which went ok, and tomorrow will be core, instead of my usual Monday X stretch.  I didn't have a yoga block today, no fault but my own, and some of the movements proved more challenging then usual.  I'm no where near 100% yet, so some of my postures and movements were lacking the effort I usually put into them.  I was hoping to work some of the bug out of my system, but it wasn't very effective.  I feel more tired now, and my stomach is cramping again.  Hopefully this crappy bug goes away so that I can enjoy this little vacation we're having.  So far I've been out of the house on one day, and that's no fun.  I worked on my taekwondo poomse this morning as well, which is needed after four days of putting it off.  More focus needs to be put into my martial arts, because this summer I would like to start competing more.  We have an in-town tournament in the June/July time frame, so I want to be ready to help represent our school.  We really do have a great group of students, and I see great things from them in the future. 

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