Monday, February 14, 2011

Close of week 8

Today marks the close of another great week doing P90X.  After this past week my body had a slight cool down, a chance to recover and develop further.  I am noticing more changes, and I am happy with my progress so far.  I weighed-in today, same weight as last week.  The calorie counting has really helped in the past few days.  Its nice to know what I'm putting into my body, rather than just liking how it tastes.  Tomorrow starts week 9 of the lean routine, hitting it hard and heavy for the next few weeks.  Its crunch time now, heading into the third phase.  I'm excited to see where these weeks take me, as far as general fitness and strength are concerned.  Never thought I would be this motivated to work out; now if only this bug I got would go away!  Tired of feeling crappy. 

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