Thursday, February 3, 2011


Not the sweet, gelatinous snack either.  I'm talking about my arms and shoulders after the workout today.  It was chest, shoulders, and tris for week 7.  There were a few exercises where I did slightly less reps or weight, and others where I added more.  It takes a P90X workout just to tell me how out of shape I am!  Things are getting better though, gradually.  Slow process, but very effective so far.  I've noticed good gains in taekwondo, thanks to P90X.  I really love martial arts, and I'm really starting to like this working out thing.  Like I said before, I'm just impatient.  I did kinda check myself out in the mirror after the workout (for the first time) and I'm quite happy so far.  My darling wife wants to see how my abs are doing, but I haven't showed her yet lol.  I want the full effect of P90X before I display the ol' tummy.  Nothing special so far, but I've trimmed inches and lost pounds.  Can't complain there! 

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