Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Holy push-ups batman!

Ok I think I've done enough pushups for the week!  LOTS of em today, and my arms felt like al dente noodles after I was finished lol.  I might be laughing about it now, but it was one heck of a tough workout, and I didn't laugh during the exercises.  Today was the start of week 9, and it came with a bang.  Chest and back, with some ab ripper at the end.  I am still feeling crappy, and the ab routine pretty much sucked today.  I didn't get as much out of it as I would have liked.  The good thing about today's workout is that I burned a heck of a lot of calories; just over 700.  That made me feel a little better, despite how icky I was feeling.  The heart monitor is really helpful, love using it.  Hopefully I start to feel better soon, I would really like to hit these next few weeks hard. 

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