Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ohhhh I'm hurtin' today

It was a rough chest, shoulder, and tricep workout today.  I had to lighten the load on quite a few exercises, and my reps were a little low.  I'm blaming it on the bug I have, or maybe I'm still recovering from last week's upper body routines -- who knows.  All I know is that today was a struggle.  And then ab ripper was no picnic either.  Some of the exercises were tougher than normal, and my reps/form were not to standard.  I did what I could, but toward the end I didn't even want to get off the floor.  My body was actually shaking from the struggle.  I need to do a weigh-in today, and I'll post again tomorrow with what my weight is.  I burned quite a few calories this morning, and hopefully some more fat around my lower abdominal area.  The upper abs are starting to come around, but I still got a small band of goop around the obliques and lower abs.  I found some good core/ab yoga exercises that I am going to try out, and they look like they'll do the trick.  Never realized how much yoga can do for those nicks and crannies on your body.  My wife bought me a yoga magazine yesterday and I found it to be very good reading.  The website for the journal is great too, with a library of information on yoga and health. 

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