Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ow... ow.... ow

Title of this post is how I felt after last night's taekwondo class.  OW!  It was great workout/training session, but wow am I sore now.  I don't think I've ever thrown that many kicks before!  Then on top of that rigorous session, I had Kenpo X to do today, yippee lol.  I wasn't throwing very high kicks today, I can tell ya that much.  I did try my best though, and actually felt better after the workout.  My joints weren't so stiff, and my muscles weren't trying to exact revenge on me.  I would like to go back to sparring classes, but the times are not so doable (is that a word?) anymore.  I might try to get in for the earlier classes, but that requires a babysitter.  Not that finding one is a problem though.  I guess we'll see, I'll post it here if I get some sparring time in.  Oh, and I jumped on the scale again today, just because the last few days were really intense... dropped another couple pounds, lovin it! 

1 comment:

  1. You need to go to sparring if that is what you want! We can work something out....
